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coloring book

I AM Coloring Book

A Conscious conversation

I AM. These two words are often used during meditation to help you follow your breath and bring you into the present moment. When you meditate, you create an opportunity to be more consciously aware of your external and internal world. Whether it be your surroundings, physical state of being, emotions, memories or internal thoughts, consciousness helps you connect with your true self, I AM.


In the Hindu tradition, there are many gods and goddesses which represent the many facets of your true Self. They are a mirror of what is  already  within yourselves. The images in this book are in the likeness of many of these Hindu gods and goddesses and each are accompanied with words describing their innermost qualities and characteristics. As you color each page, it is an opportunity to experience your true “I AM” state, which is naturally a state of calm and contentment. Have a conscious conversation with yourself, thinking about how you express the characteristics of each image.Take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you are brave, strong, beautiful and can overcome obstacles in life. Let that conscious conversation continue throughout your day.


In these modern times of bullying, media impressions, stereotyping, violence and environmental challenges, it is important for each of us to cultivate a conscious vocabulary of qualities and characteristics which are positive, uplifting, inspiring and true to our inner most Self. Without this, the  conversations we have in our heads may be as negative as these actions we see and project outwardly.


While this book helps shift your consciousness and the conversation you have with yourself, it is designed to help others do the same. All over the world, whether because of internal or external circumstances, people struggle to see the best within themselves. Because of this, we created  this  project  with  a charitable component topay it forward. A portion of the proceeds from each book and related productsresults in a donation of funds, coloring books and more to charities all over theworld. These charities benefit our communities through raising the consciousness of others. For more information on our charitable contributions, come back often as we add links and ways to support them. 

Insipring words from Shiv R. Jhawar
The Noble World Foundation

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